Nori vs. Seaweed – What’s the Difference?


Nori is a type of seaweed that can be used in sushi, nori rolls, and many other dishes. Seaweed comes from the ocean and includes many types including nori. But what are they? What’s the difference between nori and seaweed? This article will explore the differences – as well as how to prepare nori for cooking or eating!

What is seaweed?

Seaweed comes from the ocean and includes many types of algae, including nori. Seaweed includes both red sea vegetables (such as dulse) and green sea vegetables (such as nori). Like nori, it may come in sheets or flakes or powder. Seaweeds are high in minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iodine. They’re also rich in vitamins A, B12,and C.

What does seaweed look like?

Seaweed comes in a variety of colors, but nori is often dark purple to black while other types of sea vegetables may be green, red, brownish-purple, or even pink depending on the type and how it’s been processed. Seaweeds are typically long and thin, although nori is often flat rather than round. Seaweed may also be shiny or matte depending on how much moisture it contains.

What does seaweed taste like?

Like nori, seaweed has a salty flavor that can vary in intensity based on the type of algae from which it’s made as well as how it’s been processed. Seaweeds are often described as “earthy” or having a very subtle flavor – nori may taste stronger due to the seaweed being roasted before use, while some types of sea vegetables have almost no flavor at all.

What are the different kinds of seaweed?

Seaweeds are algae, meaning they belong to the plant kingdom. In fact, seaweeds used to be land plants before adapting to survive underwater.

There are three main groups of seaweed: red, brown, and green.

  • Red Seaweed nori is a type of red seaweed that has been processed into thin sheets. It’s commonly used in nori wraps, sushi rolls and rice balls. In supplemental form, nori is a rich source of iodine—which helps the thyroid function properly.
  • Brown Seaweed Dulse is a type of brown seaweed that’s been dried into flakes or leaves for use as seasoning. It has a salty flavor similar to nori.
  • Green Seaweed Kelp is a type of green seaweed that has been processed into thin sheets or powder to be used in nori wraps, sushi rolls, and rice balls. It’s also available as flakes for seasoning.

What is nori?

Nori is essentially seaweed that has been dried and pressed into thin sheets. Nori can be crumbled or broken up, but nori rolls are made with solid nori sheets – which means the nori must be cut to size before it’s used in sushi. It may also appear shiny or matte depending on how much moisture it contains. Nori is often black or dark purple in color, but nori may also be green or red depending on the type of seaweed it comes from and how it has been prepared (for example, roasted).

What does nori look like?

Nori looks much like paper-thin sheets that are long rather than wide. The sheets are a dark color, and nori is often shiny or matte.

What does nori taste like?

Nori has a salty flavor that can be quite strong depending on the type of seaweed from which it comes. Nori may also have an earthy flavor as well as slight bitterness if it’s been roasted before being used in nori rolls or nori snacks.

How to use nori?

Noris are typically wrapped around rice, fish, and vegetables to make your favorite rolls like California rolls! Nori is usually found in small paper-like sheets and can be deep-fried (yaki nori) or baked. Nori also makes a great alternative to chips as it has very little fat and carbs, but still adds flavor! You can find noris with sesame seeds on them which give the seaweed an entirely different taste.

Noris are typically used to make norimaki rolls, including cucumber rolls and oshinko (pickled daikon radish) rolls. nori is also used for inarizushi or fried tofu pouches stuffed with rice. You can find it at most Asian supermarkets as well as online retailers.

What to use instead of nori?

Nori is not the only type of seaweed that can be used for sushi. Hiziki (or hijike), aramae and wakame are all popular types of nori-free nori alternatives. The most common type of nori to use in rolls is zenmai/shinmai which means “new nori.”


Nori is a type of seaweed sheet that can be used as sushi or sashimi. It’s made out of the red algae Porphyra, and has been popular in East Asian cuisine for centuries. There are many types of nori sheets available on the market today, so it may take some research to find your favourite variety. In general, you should look for one that doesn’t have added ingredients or preservatives if possible to avoid those unnatural flavours from entering into your food . One thing we know for sure – there’s no such thing as too much seaweed! Be sure to check our list below for some excellent choices when shopping around next time. Which kind do you love? Tell us below

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